This morning I stood in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror examining my face and body. I tend to hurry this process more and more as I age.
But this day, I paused a moment wondering why I don’t stay to take a closer look.
At 60 years old, I can see the outline of muscles in my arms, legs, back, & abdomen that I have not seen since, well, have I ever seen them?
I have tried to exercise consistently in the past 2 ½ years and these outlines are the result. However, instead of seeing the good, I focus in on the saggy skin around those areas, as well as on my face with its persistent wrinkles.
I sigh, wash my face and turn away, dismissing the moment.
The month of May 2024 is, “Women’s Health Awareness Month”.
The theme is, “Empower”, meaning take charge of your health with:
· Strength
· Determination
· Confidence
· Control
How do you feel when you read this? It makes me say “Let’s go! Yay!”, but wait…, didn’t most of us make this same commitment or something similar just 4 months ago, on January 1st?!
We wrote it down on our calendars, phones, journals, put sticky notes everywhere.
We meditated, opened our awareness to it & were grateful for the decision, and
we told everyone, so they would keep us accountable…
But then, after a few weeks, life got in the way. Things happen, we get busy, we let our commitment to ourselves slide away for a day.
We say, “Oh, it’s okay, I’ll get back to it tomorrow”
Now, it has been 4 months. We see these messages, “get healthy, be empowered!”
Oh yeah right! I was supposed to be doing that…
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in the U.S.,
· 15% of women 18 years & older are in poor health
· Only 20% of women meet the physical activity guidelines for aerobic & muscle strengthening
· 42% of women 20 years and older are obese
· 45% of women 18 years and older have high blood pressure
· 2 out of 3 women 60 years and older have high blood pressure
The leading cause of death for women is heart disease.
Risks for heart disease:
· High blood pressure = consistent readings of more than 130/85
· High Lipid profile=particularly apoB >110 and Lp(a) >31-50
· Being overweight or obese=waist to height ratio over 50% (divide waist by height and multiply x 100) https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/waist-height-ratio; or waist circumference greater than 35 inches in women
· Triglyceride level greater than 150
· Elevated fasting glucose=greater than 110
· Cigarette smoking
· Family history of heart disease or heart attacks
· Age
· Menopause
· Race/Ethnicity
The last 4 risks you cannot control. However, the top 6- you absolutely can control.
It is the way we act in response to a certain situation or event.
The way we act or, rather…
What we do to, or for ourselves.
And when it comes down to our lifestyle, we have control of our self, and our self-care.
What is lifestyle? It’s what you do or don’t do for your self-care:
· Any kind of exercise or moderate movement to get your heart rate up.
· Eat vegetables, healthy grains, meat, fruit. Slow down when you eat, enjoy your food, and listen to your body not your mind, are you feeling full?
· Sleep well, 7 to 8 hours a night.
· Drink water and stay hydrated.
· Reduce stress in your life. Practice deep breathing for calming, meditate with guided imagery or in silence, find ways to relax your body, practice being grateful.
· Find connection.
o a phone call to a friend or family
o making eye contact with someone while you are shopping or walking and smile
o if you are able, financially and/or physically, adopt a dog, cat, or bird, etc.
o join a group who shares the same hobbies or values as you.
· Monitor your blood pressure, weight, waist to height ratio, know and understand your blood test numbers and your medications if you take them.
You have probably seen this list on social media, other blogs, on TV shows, the News, in books, or listening to podcasts. It is nothing new, so why is heart disease the number one killer and disruptor of our longevity?
Because in order to prevent or manage your heart disease-
you must first, change your mind.
You need to realize your WHY…
· You want to live for many years, longevity.
· You want to live a long life and live healthy at the same time.
· You want to live to meet your grandchildren and great grandchildren.
· You want to be able to play with those same children.
· You want to travel or be able to enjoy your staycations.
· You want to feel good in your body.
· You want to love life.
· You want to love others and be loved.
· You want to love yourself.
· Repeat, you want to love yourself.
Your mind will not change for others or the outside world.
Your mind will only change for you,
When you become aware and realized yourself, your lifestyle and your life, will change.
You will walk or run, eat your veggies, sleep like a baby, call or see a friend, drink your water, relax, take deep breaths, and maybe even look in the mirror and see love,
Self-love, actually.
This month of May 2024 empower yourself and the woman or girl beside you.
Make your health a priority!
Gain your self-awareness, self-realization and self-love, start your journey of becoming well… well-becoming.